
Tips for Examinations

March 3, 2016

1.) Analayse the question paper:

First things first. Spare 4-5 minutes at the first to analyse the question paper, to get an idea of what section to attempt first, or what may takemore or less time. This would in a sort, to some extent avoid panic later.

2.) Time limit for each question:

Set a particular time limit in your mind to attempt a particular question successfully on the basis of its level. If it is taking too much time, move ahead and come back at the end to it. Take easy questions first. The above point will help in this regard.

3.) Keep away from stress :

While solving, one is bound to get stuck somewhere or the other. Do not panic, do the calculations with a good frame of mind. In order to be accurate, the key is not to get carried away with speed. Do not end up being very slow. Judge the question on the basis of its merit and then approach.

4.) Do not think about competition:

Easier said than done!! But the key here is to take note of the fact that you just need to give those thre hours solely to the question paper ,thinking of nothing else. Compete with yourself, in regard of overcoming all the stress and focusing on your job. Do not tend your mind shift to anything else. Keep building up on your strengths. If you are able to give your best,than you stand a great chance to make the competition your own.

5.) Confidence :

It is the key to success. Stuents tend to panic when they do not get the answers in flow. Just move ahead and keep solving. Do not lose confidence. It will always increase once you start being in your flow. So, always have that confidence in yourself, on your hard work of the past years.

Keep in mind , in accordance with the second point I mentioned, to manage the time properly. Do not end up giving more time to a particular section, as you can end up falling short to attemt some question of the other section which may be easier. Give proper time to each section at first. Accordingly , come back to the questions you find tough or time consuming and feel that you stand a chance in cracking those.

Speed, accuracy and time management must go hand in hand. For that to happen, you must not panic at any point of time , and just carry on with your task.

Silly , but important thing to mention.... Please mark the correct responses and do not mess up in marking .Do that patiently.

All the best !!!!

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